Friday, June 22, 2007

Future MILF Weigh-In

Starting Weight: --9
Previous Weight: --5 (that is, down 14)
Current Weight: --2 (down 3 lbs.)
Total Lost: 17 lbs.

Between losing a pound, gaining it back, losing it again, and staying the same, I am finally down another pound, which for Kimkins that does not seem like a lot. I lost 11 lbs. the first week and 2 lbs. the second week? I am waiting for a serious wooosh here!

Ironically, yesterday I increased my calories by nearly 3x. I unknowingly spent a few days under 300, and prior to that, a few days under 500. Yesterday I kicked it up to 558. I know this sounds low, but when you're in Ketosis, you don't experience much hunger. Just really nasty breath and the feeling as though you have a dirty diaper sitting in your mouth. But hey, nothing tastes as good as thin feels, right? Anyway, so I brought my calorie intake up and lost a pound. I think my body is throwing a temper tantrum, as they say in the Kimkins forums.

I have a goal in mind for my 30th birthday, which is in September. At this rate, I'm a little behind. I am having a hard time accepting that, and am hoping for a larger loss soon. However, I must surrender control to the diet goddesses and stick to my plan and go with the flow.

My major accomplishment: Yesterday, I went to a coffee class/tasting at Starbucks. My good friend was teaching the class. Anyway, when it came time to do food pairings - with carmel, milk chocolate blueberries, and LEMON CAKE - I gracefully declined. I could have eaten it in the name of experimentation of flavors, but I didn't. I avoided Lemon Cake. What? I avoided Lemon Cake????

I have to post pictures. If other people were reading this, I'd be more on top of things. But since this is just for me right now, I don't need to be reminded that I'm still squishy.

1 comment:

Mom O Matic said...

Squishy is hot. Congrats! Keep it up. I pray I have a good weigh in tommorow!