Saturday, January 20, 2007

I never cease to amaze myself

It is no secret that I love food. I love the tastes and the textures. I don't necessarily enjoy eating as an activity, and do it rather fast so I can move on with life, but food... yeah, I love food.

Especially pizza.

The Walrus and I were planning to have Papa Murphy's Take N Bake pizza tonight... even had the POINTS figured out eariler in the week. For the portion I would normally eat, it would have been 22.5 POINTS. And I think that was for 2/3 of a half of the pizza (he gets his half with sausage and pepperoni, and the girls and I get plain cheese). So, knowing I couldn't survive until 7:00pm on 7.5 calories, I planned to use some Flex POINTS tonight. And boy, was I looking forward to that pizza!

So, dinner time comes and I decided to cut my slices smaller than normal, and I paid a little more attention to eating slowly. So, blah blah blah, etc., when I decided to stop eating the pizza it turned out I had only consumed half of my planned amount. What? How did I do this? Is "strength" beginning to creep into my brain?

I had 3.5 POINTS left after dinner. I enjoyed a WW dessert for 3 POINTS and I am finishing the day, albeit a bit hungry, with .5 POINT left.

I am a little bit proud today, having held off on eating all that pizza. Maybe I can do this?

I weigh in at WW on Tuesday night. We'll see if this newfound restraint is paying off.

In other news, Miss Serious (who will soon be 4 years-old) wrote a song tonight. It goes a little something like this:

I love my Mama/I love my Daddy.
I love all of you/You are my family.

It's like a rich, sugary dessert. So sweet. :-)


1 comment:

Mom O Matic said...

Good for you, by the way you are a very funny writer!