Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I've got a secret...

Tonight was my second weigh-in at WW and I know how much I lost (or gained, or stayed the same), but being a newly dedicated future M.I.L.Fer I am going to wait until Friday, weigh-in day for M.I.L.Fers, before I post. So, nanny-nanny boo boo.

Miss Silly has been sick for two days now, redecorating each room on the first floor with lovely, varying shades of oranges, browns, and partially digested foods. Why does she only desire chocolate soy milk right now? Between the regurgitation and the snowy weather, I hadn't left my house but once - to go grocery shopping - since Saturday night. I'm no homebody. I need to be out and about, interacting with other adults, away from the mesmerizing glow of Playhouse Disney.

So, I was very excited to take Miss Serious to her dance class today, and then go to my WW meeting.

I've been doing rather well sticking to my target POINTS. I had a total binge yesterday afternoon (Hi, my name is Nikki and I am an emotional eater. Boredom really makes me a victim.), yet managed to not go over my POINTS. I guess it helps that I binged on pita bread and hummus, yogurt and granola.

Still trying to think of a name for my inner food addict. The Walrus is suggesting names of people from my past that I would like to drown. Er, I mean, forget. Jenders is in the running, and so is Nylle (read that last one backwards because who wants to constantly say the actual name of someone you despise, right?), and he thought Pigerella was too cutesy and cruel. I am accepting entries to be put into a drawing to win all of my plus-size clothes when I shrink outta them in a few months. Good luck.

Speaking of my past, I sure wish I was as fat now as I thought I was back then. Don't you hate how you look at pictures of your teenage self with the low self-esteem and great ass and boobs that never produced milk, and you wonder where all that self-loathing came from back then because if you only knew what lie ahead...

...stretch marks. Lots and lots of stretch marks.


mimikatemom said...

Amen Sister! I hope Miss Silly Pukemeister feels better soon. And that the rest of you are immune. (I'm a poet and I didn't know it....in addition to being the biggest DORK you'll ever meet.)
Happy Day!

Queen of the Mayhem said...

Stretch marks are God's cruel joke! I look as though I have been marred by a wild jungle cat! I am still holding out hope for a tummy tuck....maybe one day!